Just got back from Templecon 2013. This was a BLAST. Definitely the most fun I've had in a nerd environment ever, and probably one of the funnest weekends of my life.
I went with the intention of playing a lot of board games, some DZC, and a FoW tournament. Well, I played no board games, demo'd a bunch of stuff, half-heartidly played the FoW tournament, and hung out with the Hawk Wargames guys probably way too much.
There's a TON of pictures in this post...this is my Templecon Photo Dump. I've split it up in to sections, and I'll write a little bit about each one as we come to it. Hopefully you should be able to scroll to and read the sections that interest you.
here to skip to Dropzone Commander content.
here to skip to Flames of War content.
here to skip to Warmachine/Hordes content.
here to skip to Other Gaming content.
here to skip to General Convention content.
The studio armies. They are absolutely amazing in person. Just GORGEOUS. And Dave painted (and designed and sculpted) them all HIMSELF. |
The new Shaltari models, the Dreamsnare and Firedrake. The Firedrake is a gunship/medium gate combo, and the Dreamsnare is an anti-infantry walker with a shield projector. |
Type 3 PHR walkers. One of them is a jump walker providing much needed PHR mobility. |
Destroyers are new Scourge heavy infantry. Think 40k combi weapons...single shot powerful lasers, and multi use small arms fire. The Annihilator is a transformers style walker/flyer artillery launcher of death. |
The UCM drone launcher and Praetorian Sniper teams. |
This is what the Hawk guys do with all the money we give them. FEED THE ADDICTION. |
Drone carrier close up. Moving parts! The control tower raises and lowers, the runway ramp closes and folds up, and the missile launchers are magnetized to swivel. |
Check out the sheer size of this thing. |
A sneak peak of tomorrow's Outpost Zero treat =) |
The Annihilator out of the case. |
Not sure if Simon is smiling or not... |
Praetorian snipers |
Scourge destroyers. |
Evan (Dvalin)'s PHR all magnetized in their dropships |
Black lining. Steve will be proud. |
The next couple pics are form a 1500 pt game Simon and Evan played.
Simon's Scourge all loaded up in to the dropships. I like that the Scourge dry fit into the dropships just fine. I never realized that they could, because I based mine on skimmer stands =( |
Empty dropship parking lot? |
This building is ours! |
PHR moving on |
Flames of War
I played in a two-day 1700 pt LW tournament. I took a 2nd Armored Cavalry list from Market Garden.
CiC and 2iC Staghounds
2x Daimer 1s and 2x Dingos
2x Daimer 1s and 1x Dingo
2x Full Brit Paras platoons
2x Sherman/Firefly platoons
First, here's some of the armies laying around.
This is awesome. |
Round one was against Al playing Panzerbums with Panthers. Mission was FFA. 2-5 loss for me.

I moved these guys up to trade long range shots with Panthers. I figured we were both hitting on 6s, but I got to make SIF rerolls. Well, he wiped the entire squad with one round of 6 dice, 5 hits (on sixes). |
The other flank of tanks didn't fare much better. |
Maybe the armored cars can take out armor 0 things! |
Well, they killed some. |
At least they died on the road. |
Round two I played James with a Pantherkompanie. Mission was Counterattack with me defending. was a 6-1 win for me.
Reinforcements race on! |
Tank reinforcements taking out some panthers. |
I need better direct fire smoke markers. |
Armored car madness |
Round three I played Dick in Surrounded. He was defending with a Pioneer company. Surrounded is an awful mission. 4-3 win to me, although I think if his pioneer supply trucks had dropped wire instead of minefields, I would lost.
Did I overload this flank too hard? |
Big cats on the prowl. |
Seemed like a good idea at first. Too bad he had double wide template panzerwerfers. |

Round four I played Phillip in in Hold the Line. I was defending. I ambushed two sherman platoons, that never hit the board. Probably should have ambushed one sherman platoon and one para platoon in hindsight. The game ended on the second turn after a bit of a dispute. He assaulted, I rolled the five hits in defensive fire to push the assault back, but silly me picked up my dice once he started rolling saves, and he claimed I only had four hits. While I did get the five, I now had no way to prove it. I don't blame Phil or have any hard feelings though - I scooped my dice sooner than I should have, and if he only saw four hits, he only saw four hits. As a TO, I wouldn't want to deal with that, so I conceded the roll.The assault wiped the platoon and I took a company morale check and failed. (I later realized I didn't have to take company morale since my other platoons in ambush were technically there....but oh well).
Maybe I'll be safe here. |
Recce panzerfaust schimmerwagons. nasty. |
The last guy standing after the assault, failing is last man standing. |
Round 5 I played Michael with Sperrvand in Dust Up. Another 1-6 loss for me that I was pretty proud of, cause it let me leave early and get home before midnight =) We did play the snow as open terrain. It would have really sucked if it was slow.
I see Battlefront likes Sarissa Precision buildings too! |
He just wants a hug! |
I played a game of Warmachine (well, Hordes) against my buddy Eric for some Iron Arena points. Had to get my Convergence of Cyriss patch, which I'll happily give out to the first local reader who mentions this if they want it!
We played Circle vs Circle at 25 pts. My 25pt list was the Circle starter box plus an additional Warpwolf stalker and Lord of the Feast.
I managed to take down this stone construct thingy. I was pretty impressed. |
Like my fury markers? |
Then he make forests all over the place, teleported around, and 2-shot Kaya (well 3-shot...I transferred one hit). |
Then Eric played this guy. I think these are Menoth and they look pretty cool. |
Apparently there's a unicorn army out there that this guy ponied up. |
The Other Games
I got a demo of Endless Tactics. It was pretty sweet. |
A Heavy Gear Blitz table |
More HGB tables |
I think this was setup for Dark Age demos? All sorts of light up and moving scenery parts. |
I played some games of Hull Breach. They currently have a
kickstarter active for a new edition. I had done some playtesting for this about a year ago and forgot how cool it was. It was originally planned to be a CCG, but appears to be going the LCG route now. It's kinda like Magic with spaceships.
Some propaganda posters for Hull Breach |
Some guys playing Infinity. Here's a Marut. |
I think this is a Mercs board, but not sure. |
Another demo table possibly for Dark Age? Again, it lights up and all those pulley things move when powered on. |
The Convention
Here's some random photos of various cosplayers and steampunkers and such.
The Warmachine hall midday on Friday. |
o7o7o7o7 |
The only FoW army entered in the painting contest |
More painting contest entries |
More painting contest entries |
More painting contest entries |
More painting contest entries. |
I really like these figures. I think they're for Wrath of Kings which comes out later this year. |
Some stuff from Teutonic craft studios |
Even steampunkers gotta check those text messages |
This dude wandered into the FoW room possibly by accident, but was happy to post for a photo |
Some band rehearsing for a rock concert later that night |
Uh, this is the WH hall at 1am. Still lots of insomniacs gaming. |
Want patch! Want want want!
ReplyDeleteYou tagged the Dark Age and MERCS boards all correctly :)
ReplyDeleteI would love that patch.