I went with the intention of picking up some new roads, and returned with no roads and a lot of unpainted resin. As a side note, they almost didn't let me in, as apparently they close registration at 1600, and due to crazy Saturday DC traffic, we got their at 1605. Man would I have flipped a shitstorm if they turned us away....
I was planning on checking out
Wargamers Terrain Flexroads, and their deluxe rivers. The rivers looked awesome on their webpage, and the roads sounded like what I was looking for, but in person, they were not quite as appetizing. The flexibility and quality of the roads is great, but they appear to be haphazardly cut out, almost as if done by hand, hastily, via scissors, leading to unpleasant looking edges. I could probably tidy them up a bit myself once I got them, but if I'm going to put effort in to them, I could probably just tidy up the ones I made myself...
I then checked out
Battlefield Terrain Concepts roads. These are more of a rubber type. They are very nice, but two things stuck out against me with them:
- They're expensive
- They don't overlap each other, forcing you to either plan your board very carefully, or cut them as needed
So, I ended up buying about 20 more sections of stone walls, two 25% BTC buildings (one giant centerpiece church and a random eastern front building), a pack of awesome looking fences, and a pack of 4 HMG bunkers for $8 (FoW Vietnam perhaps?)