Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Pride of Lions Ratmen Army

Started work on my Pride of Lions Ratmen army. The figures are all Splintered Light. Just discovered these guys last week at Historicon and the figures are awesome. Just a quick basecoat and dip paintjob for them, and some hastily made movement trays from balsa. This is barely a start on a Pride of Lions army. Working on some characters next while I await bases to do more units.

Army Shot!

Some Rat Ogres


More Slingers


More Ratmen

Scale next to a GW Skaven Clanrat

Monday, July 2, 2012

AAR: Brit Paras vs 7th Armored US 1750 LW

1750 Late War game - Matt's 7th Armored US (Confident Trained) attacking my British Paras in Fighting Withdraw. Yeah, we play blue on blue. Get over it.

Scott's British Paras (ABTF)
  • Command boots w/ Frost and Piats
  • Full platoon of boots
  • Full platoon of boots
  • Full platoon of boots
  • Double platoon of 75mm pack howitzers with medium support
  • Full platoon of 6pdrs
  • Full platoon of recce jeep paras (that are not recce for some reason)
  • Sporadic Air support (which I forgot I took and never used!)
Matts's 7th Armored US (BGG)
  • Command tracks - 1x 76 and 1x Jumbo
  • 4x Tracks platoon w/ jumbo, 2x 76, 1x 75
  • 4x Tracks platoon w/ jumbo, 2x 76, 1x75
  • 4x M18s
  • Full ARP (trained)
  • Full ARP (trained)
  • 4x 105s (trained)


Not a great place to put the arty, and they're close enough for three to be under one template, but I make do with the terrain I have

Boots covering the left and center objective

Boots covering the right objective

105's covered by Lukage

Approximately 20 million tracks getting ready to drive over my boots

Scott's British Paras (ABTF)
    Matts's 7th Armored US (BGG)

      Scott's British Paras (ABTF): Boots spread pretty evenly over the board. Pack howitzers deployed all bunched up on the one place I could fit all 8 of them. 6pdrs in ambush.
      Matts's 7th Armored US (BGG): Armor centralized on my far right flank.

      TURN 1

      Tracks move up and shoot an observer out of the window!

      105s take out a pack howitzer turn one needing 6s to range in and ultimately 6s to hit!

      Scott's British Paras (ABTF)
      • 1x 75 pack howizter
      Matts's 7th Armored US (BGG)

        TURN 1 SUMMARY
        Scott's British Paras (ABTF): Pack howtizers range in on the 105s but fail to cause any damage.
        Matts's 7th Armored US (BGG): 105s kill a pack howitzer and tank shooting knocks out my observer on the right flank.

        TURN 2

        A roll you never want to see when rolling 2+ firepower!

        Scott's British Paras (ABTF)
        • 1x 75 pack howizter
        Matts's 7th Armored US (BGG)

          TURN 2 SUMMARY
          Scott's British Paras (ABTF): The 75mm pack howitzers, now uising their offboard "medium" support, hit two 105s, but roll double ones on the 2+ firepower! So basically turn two was an artillery shooting of nothingness.
          Matts's 7th Armored US (BGG): The ranged in artillery, now only need 4s to hit, fails to do anything of consequence.

          TURN 3

          Tracks advance up and start pepper spraying my boots in their foxholes.

          My arty does something!

          Scott's British Paras (ABTF)
          • 1x 75 pack howizter
          Matts's 7th Armored US (BGG)
          • 1x 105

          TURN 3 SUMMARY
          Scott's British Paras (ABTF): Remove the "recce" jeeps and my first platoon. Ultimately they would have been nice to have dismounted, but I only have enough dismounted figures for three full boots platoons! 75's take out a 105.
          Matts's 7th Armored US (BGG): ARPs advance through the city to pepper spray my boots with MG fire, but yield no kills. The right flank is fairly quiet with the tanks moving up, but all of my stuff over there is well hidden in terrain.

          TURN 4

          Prowling ARP halftracks after polishing off my observer in the town.

          Random 2ic Jumbo just barely fits between two buildings!

          Scott's British Paras (ABTF)
          • 1x 75 pack howizter
          Matts's 7th Armored US (BGG)
          • 1x 105

          TURN 4 SUMMARY
          Scott's British Paras (ABTF): I remove the wounded arty platoon, losing the ability to run stonks and murders. The howitzers bombard and bail some halftracks (didn't think to direct fire them at this point), which immediately remount due to V3 rules!
          Matts's 7th Armored US (BGG): ARPs in the town assault my last observer.

          TURN 5

          TD's pop to shoot center boots with .50 cals. They kill one para.

          Left paras vanish into to thin air! (Or strategically retreat - your call)

          Scott's British Paras (ABTF)
          • 1x 75 pack howizter
          • 1 para from center platoon
          Matts's 7th Armored US (BGG)
          • 1x 105
          • 1x rifle and 1x bazooka from one ARP

          TURN 5 SUMMARY
          Scott's British Paras (ABTF): I remove the left para platoon, as Matt is not on that objectve and I'll be able to remove the objective turn 6. Direct firing 75s take out a halftrack and bail two. The destroyed halftrack also burns a rifle team and a bazooka, but the platoon immediately remounts.
          Matts's 7th Armored US (BGG): TD's pop right in front of center paras and pepper them with .50 cals. On the left flank, the two tank platoons move to the edge of the woods to shoot at paras hiding in the trees. After all the shooting it done, I remind Matt not to put tanks within 4-inches of paras in woods or bad things will happen, so we push the TDs and tanks back a few inches to let the game go a little longer.

          TURN 6

          Scott's British Paras (ABTF)
          • 1x 75 pack howizter
          • 1 para from center platoon
          Matts's 7th Armored US (BGG)
          • 1x 105
          • a couple stands and 3 halftracks from one ARP - lost count

          TURN 6 SUMMARY
          Scott's British Paras (ABTF): Pack howitzers direct fire some more halftracks and knock out another two.
          Matts's 7th Armored US (BGG): ARPs move up an shoot the pack howitzers. Lots of misses, lots of saves, lots of failed firepower equals no casualties.

          TURN 7

          MG fire kills off half of the remaining pack howitzers

          The assault before....

          ...and after.

          Scott's British Paras (ABTF)
          • 1x 75 pack howizter
          • 1 para from center platoon
          • 2x 75 howtizer from the 2nd platoon
          • 4 paras from the right platoon
          Matts's 7th Armored US (BGG)
          • 1x 105
          • a couple stands and 3 halftracks from one ARP - lost count
          • 1x tank platoon including the CiC (I think)

          TURN 7 SUMMARY
          Scott's British Paras (ABTF): I do nothing really. I deploy my ambush on the center objective just as an overkill insurance that he won't be able to assault it. Howitzers go to ground for the 6 to hit and the 3+ save to ensure I don't lose the platoon.
          Matts's 7th Armored US (BGG): MG fire knocks out 2 pack howtizers. Tanks assault into the paras in the right woods, although it's actually too late to take that objective. One platoon of tanks dies horribly to the para counter-assault, the other takes a few wounds and forces the paras back a bit.

          TURN 8

          Scott's British Paras (ABTF)
          • 1x 75 pack howizter
          • 1 para from center platoon
          • 2x 75 howtizer from the 2nd platoon
          • 4 paras from the right platoon
          Matts's 7th Armored US (BGG)
          • 1x 105
          • a couple stands and 3 halftracks from one ARP - lost count
          • 1x tank platoon including the CiC (I think)

          TURN 8 SUMMARY
          Scott's British Paras (ABTF):
          Matts's 7th Armored US (BGG): Nothing really happened here. Matt adknowledged that he couldn't take out an almost full strength para platoon w/ Frost, a full platoon of 6 pdrs, and 2 pack howitzers off of the center objective.
          Fun game. Even through Matt was playing a tank company, his ARPs did 90% of the work, but Matt's an ARP player at heart anyway. I am not impressed with the new US tanks - they're really expensive and may win some tank battles, but against infantry, it's just like fighting panthers - big, expensive, juicy, TA 1 targets.

          Generated by WWPD's BatRepper Software.