Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sarissa Precision Terrain

Just a quick review of some Sarissa Precision buildings I've recent acquired. The buildings are laser cut, wooden buildings, shipped in flat pieces from the UK. They have a good amount of 3d-detail on them for laser cut wooden buildings. They go together in a snap, have a removable roof, and work well for FoW. Sarissa Precision also makes 28mm WW2 terrain, and a ton of 28mm sci-fi terrain, especially stuff for Infinity.


Wow the painting job looks so much worse in photos!

I think this is supposed to be a hotel or something. I like the breezeway.

This is the long building also pictures directly above.

This is the interior of a 3-way connect townhouse. Two stories - could easily add a 2nd floor if you were so inclined.

We will be using a good bit of this terrain , along with many other manufactures and homemade stuff, for Flames of War at NOVA 2012 (www.novaopen.com).
Slots still available for Early and Late War!